The purpose of acupressure is to promote the body's own healing power.
It is used to treat and heal numerous conditions, among them the effects of daily stress, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, allergies, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, nausea, back pain and more.
While acupuncture uses needles placed at strategic points along the meridians, during an acupressure session light finger pressure is applied to specific points along the 12 meridians or channels of energy along the body. These meridan points traverse the arms, legs, trunk, and head. When these key acupressure points on the surface of the skin are pressed, muscular tension is released and the circulation of blood and the body's vital life energy, call chi, is promoted. Stimulation of these points removes blockages by relaxing muscles and allowing blood to flow more freely. It can also free any emotional blocks by releasing accumulated tension.
Before receiving an acupressure session the client is asked about their current physical condition, medical history, and any areas of specific pain. Clients wear light clothing and remove their shoes while they lie face up on a padded massage table. The length of the session depends on the client but usually last between 60 and 90 minutes.
Cost per session is $50 per hour.
Call for an appointment 845~893-7239 or Email at
Hi dearheart!
I need to take a another couple of weekends off from your grand care. Keep the "toggle-toggle" coming my way and I will be baaaaaaaack to be in your wondrous care! Summer is coming and I will have some better flexibility! XX
Best Love
Hi Lynne
You are here to do this work – and more – so the clients will come. I ask that the clients who would receive blessings through working with you be guided to your practice now. As I was sitting quietly after reading your message, I got a hit that may be useful for you but you’ll be the judge of that! I saw you offering your services in residential homes for the elderly and places where life ends and begins, e.g., hospitals, midwifery practices and hospices. I don’t know if this will make sense to you, but perhaps by offering to take your table to one of these places for one afternoon or day a week, you’ll be able to widen your audience. I wish I were closer as I’d be on your table in 2 seconds flat. If you branch out to do remote healing at any point, please let me know.
Be still, be kind to yourself and relax into abundance in all its forms as much as you can.
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