Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain and in some ways harder to endure because we don't know when or how we will heal. We can't see emotions, but we can feel them in our bodies. We can heal emotional pain through accessing our intuition and using our inner guidance to connect to this spirit-energy, for it is an unlimited source and is always available. Our ability to focus upon the wisdom of how to do this needs practice.
First, you must trust in your own intuitive voice to guide you towards what is best for you. We have all been conditioned to doubt ourselves, everyone has a person in their life that feeds that doubt. Rather than listening to an outsider~trust yourself. Intuition speaks to and through our human body and mind via several avenues. Our physical body communicates through physical sensations. Developing and understanding your own inner wisdom begins with the ability to go within. True communication must occur in silence. In the quiet of meditation or an acupressure session, you can begin noticing that your body is constantly tuning into your surroundings and is always communicating with you. For example, if your body feels unsafe or unheard you might experience tightness in your chest. If your body senses fear, you might experience a sensation of anxiety. If your body is sensing that someone is lying, you may experience an upset stomach. As your body continues to experience sensations, it speaks to you. While you are listening or talking to someone, your body is listening and talking to you. All that you ever have to do is stop...become quiet and listen. Then you have found your intuition
Call 845~893-7239 or email me at Artemes765@aol.com for an appointment
Thank you for keeping me in the Acupressure loop and sending me the spiritual e-mails. I love getting them. I hope to hear back from you. Enjoy the summer and take it easy. Love.
Hi Lynne, seems like your blog today was written just for me. It was
very helpful and made me feel peaceful. Thank you.
It may be prudent to caution readers that our intuition often becomes compromised if we are in states of fear or anger. When influenced by these strong emotions, our intuition becomes blocked and things we may mistake for our intuition are actually very subtle ego based perceptions stemming from within those emotions. Often, they are accompanied by some of the physical manifestations that you mentioned. During times of fear or anger our intuition is quite unreliable.
Actually, during a fearful experience when a person's primal instinct is initiated by the flight-or-fight response (what you are calling fear or anger)perception and intuition are heightened and they are very reliable. As is other physiological findings showing that automatic/immediate responses like heart and lung acceleration, blood vessel constriction, pupil dilation, among other physical changes are all indicative of an increase in intuitive perception.
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