The number one statement we need to understand this week is, we are not our bodies - we are only our soul. What's the body here for, you ask? It's the car on the road trip of life. It's the vehicle that allows us to do good actions in the world and to be a conduit for revealing positive energy. The body is a temporary means to an end. I think all of us have had those middle-of-the-night epiphanies, where we realize the depth of this statement. But it's hard to keep in our minds, and we all fall into caring what people think about us - good or bad - and we obsess over our reflection in the mirror. The Baal Shem Tov, a Kabbalist who lived and taught in the 18th century, reminded his students to always feel they are only soul. Yes, the body is a temple, and it's important to care for and respect it. But again, we have to reclaim our territory and care of our soul.How? Well, for starters, the soul needs to be fed. What does our soul eat? Energy, of course. The energy feeding our soul comes from the good actions we do on a daily basis. The number one way to have a soul that is harmonious, open and well-fed is to systematically look for people that need help and do what we can to meet their needs. Another tip for caring for our soul comes first thing in the morning. The Kabbalists recommend waking up each day roaring like a lion. The seed for our entire day begins in the morning. In fact, if we find we've been upside down and in a bad mood all day, it's likely it began in the morning. But if we change our consciousness, knowing something great is going to happen, excited about the unexpected magic, intending that this day will be the best day ever, we'll be shocked to see how many incredible things will happen to us. When we wake up energized and ready to go for it, we will be in tune with our soul. This week, practice waking up each day like a lion. Really put your soul forward from the beginning of the day. And notice the ongoing, non-stop demands of your body. Redirect these desires by looking for ways to share love, time and effort with people. You never know when the Light is going to put someone in your path whose day - or life - you can save.Pay attention to the yearnings of your soul. It's the only way to win this race.
All the best,
Yehuda Berg
Kabbalah Centre International A Non-Profit Organization
For acupressure appointment Call 845 893 7239 or email me at
ReplyDeleteHow strange! I was having a massage this morning, and the therapist was telling me that I should relook at Kabbalah...Hope all is well!