Some people awaken and basically the bottom drops out and never gets put back underneath them. But this is extraordinarily rare. What most people find is they have this great experience, this great awakening, and after they come back-they encounter their unresolved stuff, the parts of them that aren't awakened, that the light didn't penetrate, and what they're really in need of looking at. For most people, this will be a gradual daily process. -Adyashanti
Through one or two simple daily practices, one can apply the process of embodyment and actually work it into your life, for life and practice need to be fundamentally connected. In laboratory studies individuals trained in mindfulness meditation for only eight weeks showed an increased pattern of new neural pathways created between the left and right brain. This suggests that meditation may not only change the function of your brain and body, but also the physiological structure. Neuroplasticity is the capacity for the connections between neurons in the brain to change in response to experience and environment. The more you use new neural pathways, the stronger they become. New thoughts, new experiences and supporting them with repetitive daily practice will bring a balancing of the left and right hemisphere's. During acupressure sessions clearing of past cell memory can take place, making space for the integration of new knowings and solidifies this type of deep transformational work.
Living deeply doesn't require retreating to a mountaintop or embarking on a huge journey; rather, the convergence of life and practice is the returning ~ in which you bring the fruits of your journey of self-discovery back home, into your life, your family and your community.
email or call 845 893~7239 for an acupressure appointment
Hello my dearest Lynne!
I would love to be in your midst and have your healing powers of touch whenever you are free! All is well in my life; however, I really think that your awesome input is instrumental to my wellness. I am free for your magic on Monday @ 0900 or Friday at your convenience! Let me know! Best love and regards
Did you see the nifty article in the paper about your healing art? I will try to save it for you. Thanks for each and all energy boost that you send in my direction. Looking forward to the hands on healing help soon.
Best Love
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