Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Signs of Spring

In a real sense, all life is interrelated.
All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly...I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be...this is the interrelated structure of reality.
~ Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Every Spring is described as a new beginning. A rebirth, a creation, a time to be open to the new. It's the season to clear out the past which is ready to leave and make space for the future to come into being.
Today as I opened the chicken coop I noticed one of the hens standing in her box. As I observed her behavior she lurched then gulped then pushed out this beautiful green~blue egg. The first egg of the season and I witnessed it's birth. In this moment I became a part of the hen's first experience of birth, aware of the interconnectedness of the lengthening of the daylight, the business of the nest building singing birds and the momentary realization that this planet Earth is an alive whole being who gives to us all and who is in the process of change. As the seasons change we must change with them. When we resist change we encounter difficulty. Staying healthy through the Spring Season means keeping your Wood element-your liver and gallbladder- in the best possible shape with attention to nutrition, exercise, self awareness and self expression.
Mental relaxation via acupressure or meditation will allow you to connect with openness and bring you peace of mind. Physical activity will help to clear and open the body. Making contact with your creative self is vital to harmonize with the Spring element. Who are you inside? What do you need to express to feel free? If we learn to live within the laws of nature we will know health.
We are tied with each other and with nature in a single garment of destiny.

We are continually creating our life; be aware of this, and dance, sing and play to the tune that you are.

register for healing acupressure
Sessions last 1-1.5 hours
$75.00 per hour
spring special 3 session package for $150 24hr cancellation policy
For Appointment or More Information
Contact Lynne~Haggerty~Hawes Email:

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