Walking this morning in the beauty of January, hidden behind the gray sky is a full Moon. I noticed the birds singing. Unbeknownst to them the air temperature was having a hard time rising above 21. Yet, the light of the Winter Solstice has triggered changes in the birds. From now to late January they start courting each other and begin their nesting. Red cardinals and the blue bird stand out against the barrenness of the trees and the sparkling of the snow. Great Horned Owls have begun their courtship, sitting low in old hawk nests or they can even be found using an old squirrel nest. If you listen closely in the darkness of the early dawn you can hear them, the mating rituals of the Owl include the singing of love songs between the male and female.
By February love songs are commonly heard from many of our birds. Blue jays will be tricking us with their mimicking of numerous hawk species and, once warblers arrive, most male birds will have their testosterone at their highest levels.
This year we honor Tu’B’Shvat, the Jewish holiday celebrating the New Year of the Trees, today, it falls on the day of the full moon. This is the day the light signals the sap to begin running inside the tree. Although the temperature is struggling to reach above 21, the signs of Spring are here.
Look closely.
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