Every day moves so dam quickly, does anyone else feel this way?
Or, is it the same as it was 50 years ago.
Or is it, I am getting older which makes it feel that days are faster. It leaves me lying in bed at night reviewing the list of things I wanted to see and feel that day but didn't get to, there's not enough time.
No regrets, just a constant longing.
No regrets, just a constant longing.
I need to write more.
Is the world moving and moving and moving at the speed of light.
Is the Universe gaining momentum on its way to somewhere. It knows something we don't know?
I've been trying to look ahead towards the future, being an Aquarian, that usually is my focus. Yet at my age the past keeps creeping in, filled with a mix of wonderful moments, very happy and sad. Most lives are filled with both if lived fully, mine included.
My heart always goes to the first time I held each of my children. There's nothing that comes close to it, or nursing them while sitting in my rocking chair (I inherited just for the occasion). The chair is gone and my babies have grown. My oldest turned 29 today.
Life is different now.
It's about loving. It's about wisdom and telling stories. A career or success, well I've done that.
Now It's about making someone smile.
Now It's about making someone smile.
As One ages safety creeps in, do I have enough money to retire, will I be able to physically care for myself. I turn it over. Which always brings me back to trusting that the unknowns of life need to be purposely diminished.
Let the speed of days turn into weeks months years.
Will I move to Seattle to live? Will I go out on a jet ski again? Will I rent a villa in Tuscany for my 60th birthday?
It's all up to me.
I'll start with trying to write more.....
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