Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Jin Shin Do~healing acupressure

The Orientals believed that energy (chi) circulates and nourishes the whole person through specific energetic pathways called meridians. In Indian medicine, these are called a nadi or river. This truly miraculous system regulates the energy in and adjusts the functions of all the body's rivers and streams and through them form a network of interconnected pathways that link the organs, skin, flesh, muscle and bones with the spirit. Just as the earth has a system for storing water to use in deficient periods and for sending excess water from one area into another, the body also has a system for dealing with deficiencies and excesses of chi when we experience any kind of upset. This system is the basis for the ancient Taoist practice of acupressure. Jin Shin Do acupressure includes the western belief that emotions that are not felt and released but buried within the body lower your vibration and cause illness. When you have repressed emotions, your behavior and reactions to events in the present moment are really reactions to past events as well as the present. You cannot be fully present with those you love in today until you have released your emotions from the past. It takes a lot of energy to bury emotions and to keep them buried. By nature, buried emotions want to come up so you can become aware of them, feel them, and release them. Our purpose in being on Mother Earth is to keep increasing our level of consciousness and to live a more spiritual, love-based life. The higher the spirituality the closer we are to being what we are meant to be, a fully integrated and loving human being.

1 comment:

  1. Lynne,

    Thank you for working with me on Monday night. Your touch, your thoughts, were like a new vein had opened up, sending torrents of thoughts and possibilities through me.

    Also, thank you for sending me your website. So beautiful, in that you released yourself from what was familiar and seemingly solid, to trusting the unknown so completely that it is the core of your life. Reiki, Acupressure, herbs, gardens--all incorporated into a true healing life.
    I agree with your thoughts on the emergence of women in a more feminine, balanced form. We swung so far so fast in the last 30 years that it has been expected (of ourselves) that we be one or the other. A balance that accepts both parts of ourselves, and truly nurtures our feminine sides, is decidedly in order! As I said I have been meditating on such a release and balance. When you spoke it aloud I felt vindicated-I was not alone! My own conceptions are holding me back from fully opening up to all of these things. Now I can do it in sinc with the universe!
