Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wildflower Walk....

Red Clover~ The spiritual properties of red clover are significant. Ingesting a single dose creates a deeper awareness of the purpose of your emotions. It releases any blocks in the throat chakra and grounds you to the Earth by focusing energy down into the root chakra. I use it in conjunction with acupressure to support alignment of the gall bladder and liver meridians.

Plants are here as gifts to teach and heal us. Through them we learn to listen to the whisperings of Mother Earth herself. When used wisely and thoughtfully, herbs support us energetically while we do the work it takes to make conscious changes. They keep us connected to the "wise women" who walked before us.

Every plant has a specific time in their life cycle when their medicine is strongest. Certain roots are more potent when dug in the spring because the plant is busy producing leaves and flowers. The energy of roots is more concentrated at New Moons. During the new Moon on May 5th I will start collecting spring wildflowers for tinctures. I begin by approaching the plants I wish to harvest, first sitting with the plant. I quiet myself by taking some deep breaths and allow myself the time to hear and feel the life pulsing under and around me. I ask the plant if she will share her gifts with me, letting her know my intention-that I have come to ask for her medicine. I always look for the 'grandmother' plant, the plant that looks larger, older and more vibrant than the others. I speak to her, making an offering of gratitude.

Somewhere deep in me~ in all women's psyches~ in our cells, in our bones-we remember the witch burnings of the twelfth century in Europe. We all have cell memory of making herbal medicines, teas, tinctures, oils and vinegars. Knowledge from our collective female consciousness that we each carry helps us be wiser today about the healing methods we choose. Open your heart to the magic and surprise that plants offer. Using plants with all forms of energetic healing supports the body physically and strengthens the spirit during times of intense personal growth.

Join me for my Wildflower walk... May 5th. Not to worry if you can't make the date ...I always dig extra.



  1. Hi Lynne, Hope all is well with you. Thanks so much for putting me on your mailing list. Your writing is wonderful, I love getting them. You are amazing! You are so knowledgeable about so many things! You are an inspiration! Hope to see you soon

  2. Count me in! I for one, would certainly like to take advantage of a $25 acupressure session to assist in your internship! I have things hanging back that are in need of release.
    I am also going to go back to to your site and see if I can make the Wildflower Walk date. Sounds wonderful!

