Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The human brain is made up of an estimated one hundred billion tiny nerve cells called neurons. To make a memory, a neuronal network links together the signals between neurons into patterns. The pattern of signals between neurons is the foundation of thought. Based upon these patterns we essentially tell ourselves a story about how the outside world is. Any information we take in from the environment, any new experience becomes colored by our past experience and the emotional response we were having at that time. Although our conscious mind thinks it is running the show, much of the activity in the brain involves accepting or vetoing decisions that are already made beneath consciousness. Psychological research suggests that decisions are normally made by unconscious processes a half a second before we are conscious of them. Jung identified these invisible inner processes and he called them complexes.

Complexes hold us to repetitive patterns of responses by interpreting our present reality on the basis of established patterns from our past experiences, our history. Complexes influence our moods and our reactions by causing us to look at life through an outdated lens and make self-defeating or limiting choices all the while failing to recognize that we are serving old unconscious programs. Worst of all, they interfere with our natural ability to creatively respond to change.

At midlife we are called to make great changes. It is a time to reflect upon our past and re-evaluate what is and isn't working in our lives. The patterns we have adopted in the first half of life are reference points providing a baseline for organizing our experience. Too often they become obstacles to further growth. Do you see similar patterns spiraling around in your relationships? Do you feel others are imbalanced yet not see this trait in yourself? Mirroring occurs to show us what we need to work on. Bringing our awareness to the unconscious thought patterning that no longer serves us is the greatest gift. With awareness we can choose the strength to begin looking at our ego and make different choices.
Complexes, like unfelt emotions, get stored in our body. They make themselves known through aches and pains, disturbing dreams and repetitive self limiting behaviors. Combining Acupressure with Body/mind processing we can travel into your inner landscape and identify these old agendas. Then we can choose differently and clear the way to create new neuro pathways that better support who we are today.


  1. Hi Lynne,

    Thanks for emailing me your website. It's wonderful and I'm sure
    you'll do very well with it.
    You should check out a website called They do books. I
    use them to do picture
    books for clients. They look like coffee table books. I think you
    should do a book and each
    chapter should be a different month with essays and info and
    beautiful pictures.

  2. JUST EXCELLENT!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Lynne,

    Thanks for sending these - I'm enjoying reading them.

    By the way, if you have not yet read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, I highly recommend it. I have found it to be the most eye-opening book of its kind that I've ever read! I'm actually on the second read of it; it's the kind of book where you definitely pick up new things every time you read it. Your thoughts are very similar.

    See you in a month!!

  4. Enjoying your blogs Lynne-
    I am reading Eckhart Tolle’s book- the New Earth that touches on this subject- (you’ve probably read it! If not it’s a good read)
    Enjoy this great weather!

  5. Hi Lynne-

    No wonder you had so much to tell me! Awesome!
    I strongly believe in using natural remedies for helaing. Any ideas on ADHD?

  6. Dear Lynne
    I posted a blog on your site but I’ve got a feeling that it didn’t get logged, so here’s another response. I wanted you to know how delighted I was to see your blog, hear more about what you are doing and understand what a wonderful writer you are. Wow!!! I have always enjoyed working with you and seeing your light in the Records and now it’s really cool to see that light shining so brightly in the physical world. You are full of surprises and I’m thrilled to see what’s coming next! I’d love to take a class with you at some point. I’ve experimented with making some flower essences and am intrigued by the knowledge you have of plants. Isn’t life a grand adventure? I’m glad you’re in mine.
