Purification begins with the body first, getting rid of all the poisons, toxins and chemicals that are stored within.
In many different traditions water is used in the practice of cleansing. Sweating is a great way to get toxins out of the body and give them to Mother Earth to cleanse. Sweat lodges were build in ancient traditions to create the environment for purification. There is no coincidence that at midlife, when women begin their deepest process of transformation, hot flashes occur. Hot flashes, or 'power surges' as some refer to these sudden and intense moments of sweat are a right of passage, and should be honored as such. During these moments we are adjusting our frequencies, balancing our left and right brain, and aligning our spirit and heart. Acupressure sessions can help keep the energetic meridians aligned as the windows of the body and spirit are cleansed, and our divinity reconnects us to all that there is.
In many different traditions water is used in the practice of cleansing. Sweating is a great way to get toxins out of the body and give them to Mother Earth to cleanse. Sweat lodges were build in ancient traditions to create the environment for purification. There is no coincidence that at midlife, when women begin their deepest process of transformation, hot flashes occur. Hot flashes, or 'power surges' as some refer to these sudden and intense moments of sweat are a right of passage, and should be honored as such. During these moments we are adjusting our frequencies, balancing our left and right brain, and aligning our spirit and heart. Acupressure sessions can help keep the energetic meridians aligned as the windows of the body and spirit are cleansed, and our divinity reconnects us to all that there is.
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