Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Acupressure is a very subtle, non-invasive modality using a traditional Japanese finger pressure technique while fully clothed to instill deep relaxation in order to re-establish a smooth, harmonious, and balanced energy flow throughout the body. The various releases quiet the mind and allow one to become in touch with satori, or enlightenment, as a state of being. Acupressure is an incredible way to relieve many physical tensions, and help in any type of healing process.

It helps to relieve:

~physical pain (sore, tight and pulled muscles, etc.)
~tension (neck)
~headaches (including migraines)
~menstrual and menopausal imbalances
~gastrointestinal problems
~respiratory ailments
~sinus pain and allergies
~back pain

Also helps to:
~strengthen the immune system
~restore and rebuild energy reserves
~increase deep breathing
~calm the mind
~speed wound and bone healing

Good for people:
~experiencing too much pain to participate in other modalities that are more physical in nature
~that are frail or sensitive to deep physical pressure
~who are not comfortable with the idea of acupuncture needles
~who would like to try an alternative to taking medications (aspirin, motrin, anti-histamines, etc)

Client’s shoes must be removed during the session.
Sessions last 1-1.5 hours
$75.00 per hour
For Appointment or More Information
Lynne~Haggerty~Hawes O.M.
North Salem, NY 10560
(845) 893-7239


  1. Hello and YES!
    Lynne, I am available for your heart, hands and wondrous treatment on Saturday....10 AM. 11AM, 12 PM, 1 PM 2 PM, 3 PM!
    Suggest a time that works with your busy schedule!

  2. Lynne,
    Thank you for sending this. I had not seen it before, and it is wonderful.

  3. Hey Girlfriend,
    I love your writing. It is clear and illuminating and conversational.
    Makes what you are talking about very available even to the uninitiated. I look forward to spending the time with you.
    The sessions and grounding you gave me over the summer was so helpful to me, to my finding my way back to my center and establishing healthy and flexible boundaries.
    Let's exchange some possible dates, weekdays or weekends are equally good for me, provided I know enough in advance.
    Happy Samhain, the Celtic new year. For Celts, all lilf3e begins in the dark and the beginning of thier year arrives with the growing darkness.
    Sending Love
