Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jin Shin Do

Classical Chinese acupuncture theory and Taoist philosophy is the guiding energy behind the system of acupressure called Jin Shin Do. Jin Shin Do is designed to replenish and harmonize the vital energy of the body and to balance and strengthen the body and the spirit.
Taoists believed that energy (chi) circulates and nourishes the whole person through specific energetic pathways called meridians. In Indian medicine, these are called a nadi or rivers. This truly miraculous system regulates the energy in and adjusts the functions of all the body’s rivers and streams and through them forms a network of interconnected pathways that link the organs, skin, flesh, muscle and bones with the spirit. By placing light pressure on acu-points, (spots of high electrical conductivity) any blocked chi clears and opens the flow along the meridian. It is believed that when the 12 meridians in the body are flowing, the body remains healthier and more balanced.
Just as the earth has a system for storing water to use in deficient periods and for sending excess water from one area into another, the body also has a system for dealing with deficiencies and excesses of chi when we experience any kind of upset. This system is the basis for the ancient Taoist practice of acupressure. Jin Shin Do includes the western belief that emotions that are not felt and released but buried within the body lower your vibration and cause illness. When you have repressed emotions, your behavior and reactions to events in the present moment are really reactions to past events as well as the present. You cannot be fully present with those you love in today until you have released your emotions from the past. It takes a lot of energy to bury emotions and to keep them buried. By nature, buried emotions want to come up so you can become aware of them, feel them, and release them. Our purpose in being on Mother Earth is to keep increasing our level of consciousness and to live a more spiritual, love-based life. The higher the spirituality the closer we are to being what we are meant to be, a fully integrated and loving human being.
Acupressure is also an incredible way to relieve many physical tensions, help in a healing process or simply a wonderful way to relax.
Sessions last 1-1.5 hours
$75.00 per hour
24hr cancellation policy
For Appointment or More Information
Lynne~Haggerty~Hawes O.M.
North Salem, NY 10560
(845) 893-7239
Email: artemes765@aol.com

1 comment:

  1. Merci mille fois
    Hello Lynne!
    The session on Saturday was magic. Thank you!
    Best regards,
