Lately I've been thinking more and more about what is "manifesting" your destiny, and how does one go about doing it. Clearly, when you listen to the soul searchers of today they make it sound as though life is an open book just waiting to fulfill your desires. Yet, where does this endless "flow" exist and how does one tap into it? I can say in my own life, I believe 100% in miracles, yet if pushed I'd have to admit I have questionable faith of this concept on a big picture level. Yet, the seekers I admire always confirm the truth of it. There is an endless flow all around us that once tapped into, we can live our life being the actor in our one act play with all the peace, love, and happiness most find so hard to find in this crazy world ( ..just look at the headlines in the news..)
Yes, I have synchronicities all the time. Yes, I can conjure up a fox (not really, but you know what I mean...) and I have many aha moments. It's the big big big grand scheme of desires I've started to get curious about. Maybe it is in question as I now have big toe arthritis, and my knuckles are larger showing signs of my age, it's wear and tear, and I find myself staring at older people wondering how it feels to be in their shoes. I turned to Deepak Chopra and decided to get his book on Audible. The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
Chapter One...he begins with explaining to the reader the tree levels of existence, the three Domain
1. The Earthly Plane
2. The Plane of Quantum Physics
3. The Non Local Domain (The Universe, God, The level of Miracles)
After listening four times with still not understanding this third level Deepak is talking about, I google Non local Domain knowing there is something big here, besides that the rest of his book would be lost on me if I couldn't get this concept.
I wanted to share with you what I found, it has moved me at my core.
Here is the best definition I could find on a website
It is non-local because as it cannot be given a location. It
cannot be defined. It just is. It's a realm of pure potential. It's the
fundamental level of our existence. The quantum cannot give it a definite name,
a structure, a description or a definition. It cannot label this.
This is the non-local domain which organizes, gives
structure to the information and energy, to the quantum domain. It is the
non-local domain which brings energy which we may call sub- atomic, merges it
into atoms, and merges atoms into molecules; gives solidity. And all of this
organization, intelligence comes from the non-local domain.
It is an intelligence that is over powering, which cannot be
kept, defined, restricted or limited to any one location. A realm of pure
consciousness. It is at this level, if we were to exist there then we would be
aware of all the possibilities that would arise out of a situation. Therefore
in using the organizational abilities of this intelligence, in order to create,
manifest, this is one possibility we wish to harness.
We call it a miracle.
This whole sea of possibilities and that is reality. Reality
is No Thing. There isn't anything because at a level which really matters, at a
non-local domain, nothing is and yet everything is. This realm is a realm of
pure potential it exists beyond energy, it exists beyond space, it exists
beyond time and it exists beyond distance.
Happy Traveling.....
Deepak has spoken of this since I first started reading him. He says that this realm is the space between thoughts, it is the landscape of meditation. I have also heard/read where he talks about the "the field of pure potential" where nothing is in form and everything is possible.
ReplyDeleteRecently, I had this awareness about manifestation: there are, as we know, steps, ie
make an intention
take whatever earthly action required
offer prayers of gratitude
release attachment to outcome.
Very neat and orderly steps. Well, very recently, I realized that saying prayers of gratitude is not the whole of it. I believe that it is necessary to become the energy of gratitude. I have started to recall those experiences where I felt profound gratitude (the circumstances, people, places etc not important). What is important is to resonate with this frequency which will attract like frequency into our lives. The Universe then completes the process by providing the "how". This was an expanded revelation to me.
They only way I can grasp this concept is to think about how cells in our body know what to is in the non-local domain where this 'wisdom' comes from that directs a cell to the heart, or to the liver or kidney. How they function in perfect synchrony. He uses the flight of birds, their ability to fly in large groups, long trips without ever crashing into each other...
ReplyDeleteDeepak's book is instructional, I haven't reached that point in the reading yet, but I'm sure his take on this will be thought prevoking
The level of reality is not unlike time; It is. It was. But when?
ReplyDeleteAs fog is to rain. As rain is to ice. All different all the same - H2O. The temperatures fluctuate and molecular vibrations change.
DeleteSlow greatly but do not stop.
Model it with water. Consider quarks and the energy in between? Neither created nor destroyed?
Better yet look into "The Swerve: How the World Became Modern" by Stephen Greenblatt. He goes into the translation of De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things), a poem by the Roman philosopher Lucretius. This may offer some insights.