Saturday, April 4, 2015



I read this along my journey and loved it enough to save it. I'm not sure where it's from yet it still moves me to smile. It seems like a perfect thing to share with you on this day when my thoughts and feelings are about  spring, rebirth, transformation...

Soul Purpose is your unique series of talents, passions, attitudes, and values that form the essence of the most magnificent version of you.  When these qualities are intentionally acknowledged and cultivated, they support your specific mission in service to the world. Each and every one of us came here carrying a unique piece of Creation. That piece, that particular ray, has an inexorable need to culminate through us and express itself in and through our bodies, as loving action
This is our soul’s purpose
Our ray of light, when refracted through our physical being, illuminates a unique perspective
This is our gift
All that is being asked of us is that we awaken this precious gift, nurture it, protect it, honor it, find a practice that facilitates embodying it on a daily basis, share it with each other, and with the world
This is our job, our service, and our ministry
Each one of us is a key and we have the ability to unlock each other’s mastery
           It is a win/win process. We are all peers 
 We are all here to shine, to emanate and to link to each other through our hearts, extending as a web of light and encircling our beautiful planet, like a shield of illuminated life streams
For all of us who have incarnated at this moment in space and time, we are either the luckiest or the most blessed and honored souls in all of Creation, to deserve this incredible opportunity
We all have front row VIP passes to the Universe’s most coveted event – the coming of age of the human race
This is the moment we get to emerge as radiant beings of light, celestial emissaries in human form; overflowing with love, for ourselves, for each other and for the energy that created us
                          Blessings and love,


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