Saturday, February 6, 2016

I'm learning real love is when I can tell my truth without being responsible for someone else's reaction.

The greatest freedom in the world is being able to be emotionally honest with 
others and of course....myself. When I can express my real feelings, my body 
is so happy and healthy.

If I hold in my real feelings because I am afraid of someone's reaction, I am not being real, or honest or authentic, and I begin to lose parts of myself. I can feel it in my body.
When I begin to hold in and hold on, I live in a secret. 
Being empathic, there are times I put others before me...yet when others sadness is so big I hold back, I don't want to say something that will create pain.
I don't like to feel your anger, it  really scares me.
At some time in my life I got the impression I had the power to make someone else happy or sad, and that even extended to my believing at times that I could be responsible for your happiness.
Way too much for anyone, I now see my belief was in error.
I want to experience real love, which means that I will tell my true feelings, my truth - without fear of someone's reaction.
If they do have a reaction, I will know that it's theirs, and allowed.
We are each responsible for our own feelings and reactions.

I can only be me.

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