Thursday, February 11, 2016

day dreaming....

The secret to happiness is found by those that move through life joyously.
They aren't usually the same people that have been blessed with a perfect job, a great love and abundance.
What they have that other's don't is the ability to take the cards dealt them and make something great.
They make an effort to learn something new every day, knowing full well that the Universe is a massive chaotic and unpredictable force which is often reflected in our own chaotic unpredictable lives.
Yet, they believe the Universe is here to help us create exactly what brings us Joy.
Our greatest obstacle is to sit still long enough to know what that is, what is joy to you.
Once you know your own piece of joy, you will feel that warmth ignite in your solar plexus.
You will feel compelled to day dream, cut out pictures, window shop, journal about it.
Grab onto the feeling you feel when you see yourself at the end result.
Your imagination plus the feeling will open worlds of possibilities.

Last night I dreamt I was shopping in a garden nursery for Boston day dreaming, picture cutting moved to my dreaming desire.

I'll keep going....

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